2018 Programs

Autumn 2018

October-December–Drumming for Afro-Brazilian Dance Class in Stonington

September-December–Shamanic Journey Group on MDI

September–Private Drum Circle on MDI

Summer 2018

Sedgwick Drum Circle We are gathering Tuesday, July 31 from 2:30-4:30 pm to drum in the new pavilion at Strong Brewery in Sedgwick.  Rain or shine…swimming at Walker Pond afterwards!!  Spread the word! Bring your kids and friends and drums, bells, & shakers.  No experience needed!!! Call/text Eileen at (207) 441-2785 for more info. 8,000 Sacred Drums Summer Solstice Ceremony Friday, June 22 at 6-8:30 pm at Healing Hollow, 23 Hollow Lane, Bucksport Celebrate summer solstice with a drum & fire circle on Jacob Buck Pond. Free and open to all ages. For more info, contact Eileen at (207) 441-2785 or eileen.mielenhausen@gmail.com or see poster below.

Spring 2018

Amy and Eileen are teaming up again this summer to bring you their healing and expressive arts workshop, “Art from the Heart and Sound for the Soul” in various locations in coastal and central Maine: Saturday, May 26, 2018 10 am-1 pm Unitarian Universalist Church of Belfast, 37 Miller St., Belfast Cost for the 3-hour workshop is $45 (or $40 for UUCB, UUCC, and UUCE members). For more info or to register, contact Eileen at (207) 441-2785 or eileen.mielenhausen@gmail.com. Click here to download registration form. Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:00-3:00 pm The Gatherings, 1208 Surry Rd., Surry Cost for the 3-hour workshop is $45 (or $40 if you register by June 2). For more info, contact Eileen at (207) 441-2785 or eileen.mielenhausen@gmail.comClick here to download registration form. Facilitators: Amy Thompson, MSW, weaves together a love of the natural world through her art and gardening. She is a juried member of the Potomac Valley Watercolorists society and a Master Gardener. Amy holds a Master’s degree in Social Work and has combined her group work experience with her love of art as an Expressive Arts Facilitator. A former English teacher and librarian, Eileen Mielenhausen, MA, has been teaching rhythms and leading drum circles and ceremonies since 1997. She has studied with numerous drummers, sound healers and shamans, including teachers from the Ivory Coast and Guinea, New York, Colorado, New Mexico, and Maine. Eileen sings with Women With Wings in Bangor and Blue Hill’s Misty Mountain Singers. In addition to sound healing programs, she also offers individual Reiki sessions.

Winter 2018

8,000 Sacred Drums for the Spring Equinox

SUNDAY, MARCH 18 10:30 AM—12 PM at The Gatherings, 1208 Surry Rd., Surry, Maine Every March, people worldwide join together to drum (in groups or as individuals) and to pray for healing our Mother Earth. The event is called “8,000 Sacred Drums” and is held every year around the time of the spring equinox. The purpose is to fulfill the 500-year-old Otomi Prophecy, which was written on a rock wall within a sacred cave in Mexico: “When 8,000 sacred drums play together, an intense healing of Mother Earth will commence.” The Otomi are Mayan Olmec and Toltec descendants. A huge group gathers in Mexico during the spring equinox on Mayan sacred grounds for this annual event. Please join sound healing guide and shamanic practitioner Eileen Mielenhausen at a CommUnity Circle at The Gatherings in Surry on Sunday, March 18 to give voice to our joys and sorrows and to send out our healing intentions through the drum.  Extra hand drums and percussion instruments will be available. All ages are welcome!! Dress warmly—we will gather inside for the CommUnity circle at 10:30 a.m. but later may walk outdoors to the bay, weather permitting. Bring a song, poem, prayer, or story to share—and a drum if you have one.  Please arrive prior to 10:30 am to get settled in before the ceremony begins.  If you can’t make it at that time, offering a silent prayer or chant will connect you to the more than 8,000 sacred drums around the world and will give the effort more strength.  Everyone is welcome to participate! **This event is free and open to the public. For more information or directions, please contact Eileen at 441-2785 (cell) or e-mail: eileen.mielenhausen@gmail.com. Art from the Heart and Sound for the Soul: A Healing & Expressive Arts Workshop with Amy Thompson, Creative Arts Facilitator, and Eileen Mielenhausen, Sound Healing Guide Saturday, Feb. 3, 2018 1:00-4:00 pm at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Ellsworth 121 Bucksport Rd., Ellsworth Cost for the 3-hour workshop is $45—or $40 if you pre-register. To register, please contact Eileen at 441-2785 or eileen.mielenhausen@gmail.com.

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